Category:Bite Club (Series)
(The following is copied from The Forest.)
During the events of Year of October's - Bite Club part 1, October helped to establish the Bite Club - what started as an informal tussle between friends has turned into a weekly event for all the big tough Pokemon to blow off some steam. Every Thursday night, any staff member who's interested can head out deep into the woods, away from prying eyes, grab themselves a collar (or bandanna, or other coloured marker), and get their paws dirty. The specifics are usually arranged ahead of time, waiter-to-waiter, but there's nothing to say you can't just show up and see what happens.
It should be noted that (currently, at least), Bite Club is a Staff Only event. Blowing off wild steam and not having to mind their 'customer service' manners. Guests definitely aren't allowed because of insurance and such. Wild Pokemon... Well, at least insurance and liability isn't an issue due to their lack of legal status but they're still an outsider. Though it's possible one could crash the party or try to sneak in with subterfuge.
Out-of-universe, Bite Club was established as a general concept for any author to dip their toes in, as the [ongoing as of this edit] Bite Night Anthology should hopefully show.
Pages in category ‘Bite Club (Series)’
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.