Apocrypha of Sanctuary: Café Plaisir - (Twin Pursuers)

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"Apocrypha of Sanctuary: Café Plaisir - (Twin Pursuers)"
Apocrypha of Sanctuary.jpeg
Main Kinks
Originally Uploaded atFuraffinity
Story Length6k words
Upload DateNovember 15, 2016

Here's a neat little thing. So, I've pretty much adored Lycanroc since its reveal, right? Midnight form, not so much at first, but it really grew on me. So I've decided, once I get Sun/Moon, that I'm going to have both by any means necessary. ...And obviously, the first thing you do with new team members is you bring them to a brothel, right?

Nature the adorable Lucario (and Café Plaisir in general) belongs to Dark Violet

...who also designed the thumbnail! This might become a thing.