Template:Infobox character

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Infobox character is used to create an infobox for a character from the Plaisir universe.


The blank form immediately below shows the most commonly used fields, and complete instructions are listed further down the page.

{{{series}}} character
First appearance{{{first}}}
First date{{{first_date}}}
Last appearance{{{last}}}
Last date{{{last_date}}}
Created by{{{creator}}}
Voiced by{{{voice}}}
Full name{{{full_name}}}
Main Kinks{{{kinks}}}
Sexual Position{{{sexprefs}}}
Fighting style{{{fighting_style}}}
Significant other{{{significant_other}}}
{{Infobox character
| color              = 
| name               = 
| series             = 
| image              = 
| alt                = 
| caption            = 
| first              = 
| first_date         = 
| last               = 
| last_date          = 
| creator            = 
| voice              = 
| full_name          = 
| nickname           = 
| alias              = 
| species            = 
| gender             = 
| orientation        = 
| kinks              = 
| sexprefs           = 
| title              = 
| occupation         = 
| affiliation        = 
| fighting_style     = 
| family             = 
| spouse             = 
| significant_other  = 
| children           = 
| relatives          = 
| religion           = 
| origin             = 
| nationality        = 


All parameters are optional. Separate multiple entries using {{Plainlist}}.

Parameter Notes
color Background color for header bars (default = #DEDEE2). The text color is automatically computed. Good for making things look pretty.
name Character name to display in top header (default = PAGENAME).
series Name of the series in which the character appears, if any. E.G. October's Jaunt, Mountains and Skyscrapers.
franchise basically the same as above, but does not italicize title.
multiple Set to yes if the infobox describes more than one character.
image Image of the character. "File:" and wikilinking is not required. i.e. use |image=Example.png.
image_upright The image size defaults to frameless (220px). The size should not be set to a value that would result in an image width greater than 270px. See help below for guidance on determining the value to be used.
alt mouse-over text, for screen-readers or if the image does not load.
caption image caption, e.g. 'Character (left) posing with Other Character. Artwork by 'Artist'.'
first Their first appearance.
first_date here mostly for completion, we don't expect to make much use of it. Date of first appearance.
last Most recent appearance of the character.
last_date The date of the publication/release of the minor work where the fictional element last appeared in. Not used
creator Name of the individuals who are credited with the creation of the character. E.G. commissioner, artist, or writer.
voice Name of the individuals who voiced the character.
noinfo Disable the first "information" header.
info-hdr Text for display in second header (default = Information).
full_name the character's full name, if known, e.g. Mrs Iriana Miller.
  • nickname
  • nicknames
Any nicknames commonly used to refer to the character.
  • alias
  • aliases
Any aliases used by the character. This includes Waiter Name, if different from their given name.
Species which pokémon are they? 'human' if human, obviously.
gender The gender of the character. Male, Female, Herm, Other, None, etc. Feel free to be imaginative.
orientation Who do they go for? boys, girls, everything in between? None of the above?
kinks What sort of kinks are they into? If they're in a story, what's it most likely to be about? Bondage, impregnation? Try to keep it to 3 or less. Elaborate in the main text if needed.
sexprefs What's their sexual position? Sub, dom, switch, usually dominant, power bottom, service top?
title Titles the character is known by. 'Grand Adventurer' for October, for example.
  • occupation
  • position
The character's job or role, in the café or outside of it.
class The character class for RPG characters. Since there's not yet a fully voice-acted, mo-capped Café Plaisir RPG, this is unlikely to ever be used.
affiliation The groups the character belongs to. e.g. The Dark Strays, october's gang, Nightshade's Posse, etc.
alignment The character's Dungeons & Dragons alignment. Not ... /really/ used, but feel free.
fighting_style Not that we want to encourage this sort of thing... again, mostly here for completionism, though ex-military types, competition battlers, and actual battling pokémon should probably be mentioned here.
family The character's immediate family members - Siblings and parents.
  • spouse
  • spouses
The character's spouse(s).
  • significant_other
  • significant_others
The character's significant other(s).
children The character's children.
relatives The character's other relatives that don't fit into the above categories.
religion The character's religion, if any. Feel free to leave blank as for most characters it doesn't come up. (understandably, it's a touchy subject)
origin Were they born wild, or civilised? Are they an extra-dimensional traveller, or an alien, or whatnot?
nationality The character's nationality.
extra-hdr Text for display in third header (default = No third header).
lbl# Label to display in left column where "#" is 1-5, 21-25, or 31-35 for custom fields under the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd headers respectively.
data# Text to display in the right column corresponding to the appropriate "lbl#".


First appearanceCanid's Adventure 04 - Sinister & Dextus
First dateApril 22, 2012
Created byDark Violet
Main KinksIncest, Cuckolding, Consent Play
Sexual PositionMostly Dominant
Significant otherDextus
Children(Son, unhatched)
{{Infobox character
| color              = 
| name               = Sinister
| series             =
| image              = Sinister.png
| alt                =
| caption            =
| first              = [[Canid's Adventure 04 - Sinister & Dextus]]
| first_date         = April 22, 2012
| last               =
| last_date          =
| creator            = [[Dark Violet]]
| voice              = 
| full_name          =
| nickname           =
| alias              =
| species            = Mightyena
| gender             = Female
| orientation        = Straight/Bi
| kinks              = Incest, Cuckolding, Consent Play
| sexprefs           = Mostly Dominant
| title              =
| occupation         = Waiter
| affiliation        =
| fighting_style     = 
| family             = 
* [[Dextus]] (Twin Brother)
* [[Eclipse]] (Older brother)
* "Mom" (Mother)
| spouse             =
| significant_other  = [[Dextus]]
| children           = (Son, unhatched)
| relatives          =
| religion           = 
| origin             =
| nationality        =