Mountains and Skyscrapers 02

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"Mountains and Skyscrapers 02"
Mountains and Skyscrapers.jpeg
SeriesMountains and Skyscrapers
Originally Uploaded atFuraffinity
Story Length8k words
Upload DateAugust 1, 2015
Preceded by"Mountains and Skyscrapers 01"
Followed by"Mountains and Skyscrapers 03"

he second chapter to the story! A bit longer, a bit more detail. This is where things start flowing a bit better.

You will likely notice this is not in PDF style too. I am experimenting with formats to see which 'works best' as far as wide compatibility goes. I'm told PDF doesn't always work well with others and plain text is generally best..but I like my italics. ^^; so either I need to find the next best thing so I don't have to go throwing in a bunch of coding to be read.

Suggestions are appreciated, testing helpful. Volunteer yourself to be a Pokemon Guinea pig - today!

A belated thank you and appreciation to octoberflixard. It was from reading his work and Dark Violet's that I got so much brain burn in my head to start writing this. he deserves credit, loves, and a warm towel for his face (don't ask about the towel).

In the meantime... Cafe Plaisir is maintained by DarkViolet Café Plaisir © palibakufun Pokemon © Nintendo/Game Freak