Canid's Adventure 06 - Omen

From Cafe Plaisir
Revision as of 17:48, 26 April 2020 by Wrincewind (talk | contribs)
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"Canid's Adventure 06 - Omen"
(Chapter 6) - Omen.jpg
AuthorDark Violet
SeriesCanid's Adventure
Originally Uploaded atFuraffinity
Story Length7k words
Upload DateJune 30, 2012
Preceded by"Canid's Adventure 05 - Ceylon"
Followed by"Canid's Adventure 07 - Kusa"

When a storm begins to encroach on Café Plaisir, I seek out the resident Weather Forecaster - a hermaphrodite Absol by the name of Omen - to try and spend the night with...

My sixth installment ^^ I was rather pleased with this, though not 100%. I wanted to add in some Chinese sayings, but to find and add them would be too much trouble x3 Especially with my less than frequent internet. Even so, I enjoyed writing this, and hope you enjoy reading it too :3

This is also my longest out of the seven currently written, by a matter of only 41 words - there's a fair bit of talking too, so watch out! ^^;